I recently discovered this web site called
Stack Overflow, a Q/A (question/answer) site
for programmers. It was mentioned in an online article from the NY Times titled
Everyone Loves Google, Until It’s Too Big. I came upon it
thru a Google Canada / News / Sci-Tech page. There is a certain irony
in all of this.
At the time, I was having issues with certain web pages I had created;
pages with sounds. Internet Explorer 7 had stopped working with these
pages on the 2 computers we have. I didn't know when or why they stopped working, or
if it was just our two systems or everybody's.
I Googled everywhere for an answer, including Usenet, but the best
I came up with other were other vague queries similar to mine. No answers. So I gave
up for awhile and read the news.
That's when I came across the NY Times article and
tried out Stack Overflow. A "stack overflow" is a programmer term (
or error message) that is usually accompanied by a program or system crash. It's a
great name for a programmer Q/A website.
Stack Overflow has at least 5 answers for each of the more than 100,000
questions posted on the site. It's a public site; all Q/A information posted is
available to anyone free of charge. Anyone can post a question or provide
an answer. There is also a voting system in place so questions and answers can be
voted up or down.
, you say, but that's all been done before, 100 times before
There is more, much more.